Our working group “Multilingual Storytelling: An Alternative Pedagogy” has focused on stories and their power to create a shared ground to strengthen “the culture of living together”. Our project participants from Germany and Turkey consist of professional storytellers, local NGO representatives and child safety experts. They are currently working on developing a Trainers’ Module, building upon transcultural competencies, discovering the storyteller in ourselves and multilingual landscapes of telling and constructing stories.
In the pandemic times, they also endeavour for finding news ways of combining online and face to face working with children. We will be organizing a series of events with children for building cross-border connections through stories.
In each activity children with and without refugee backgrounds will come together with our project participants and experts in a hybrid format. Children will be enjoying a trilingual story while accompanying the storytellers with different body movements. The clue in these activities is, that the storytellers tell the story without translating each other but enriching each other in different languages.
We will end the sessions with a short feedback time with children. Due to their questions and ideas, the content of the Trainers’ Modüle will definitely be enriched and further developed.
Our Storytelling Module targeting the trainers will be ready in the Fall of 2021.